Is Your Love Life’s Progress Hindered? The Top Detrimental Dating Habits

As Explained by India’s Leading Couples Therapist Shivani Sadhoo

Are you weary of stumbling upon various obstacles in your pursuit of a satisfying and meaningful relationship? Dating is an exhilarating journey brimming with promise and excitement. Nevertheless, it is not exempt from challenges, and occasionally, you unknowingly develop habits that impede your chances of forging healthy and fulfilling connections.

By recognizing and consciously relinquishing these behaviours, you can carve out room for healthier patterns and nurture relationships founded on trust, respect, and compatibility. Let us see the pivotal habits to abandon, paving the way for a more gratifying and joyous path towards love as shared by Delhi’s top marriage counsellor and relationship expert Shivani Misri Sadhoo.

Rushing into physical intimacy for validation

A harmful dating habit is an inclination to hastily pursue physical intimacy for validation. Acting on the belief that early physical involvement will heighten someone’s interest, this process often results in superficial connections.

Breaking free from this pattern involves prioritizing authentic emotional bonds over seeking external validation through physical encounters. It is crucial to recognize the importance of building a genuine connection before engaging in physical intimacy, fostering relationships based on substance rather than fleeting validation.


Ghosting, the act of abruptly severing communication with someone, is a prevalent and detrimental dating habit. Several individuals resort to ghosting to evade confrontation or conflict, but this behaviour mostly leaves the other person feeling bewildered and hurt. Instead of succumbing to ghosting, it is important to prioritize open communication.

By conveying clear and respectful messages, you can cultivate healthier connections and exhibit empathy towards others in the dating sphere. Practising transparent communication enables a more compassionate and considerate approach, fostering understanding and minimizing the negative impact on both parties involved.

Rushing things

A prevalent dating habit to steer clear of is the tendency to rush and not let a connection naturally evolve. It is tempting to become impatient and try to accelerate the early stages of dating. However, breaking this habit entails acknowledging that there is no need to rush and appreciating the significance of allowing the connection to unfold organically.

Embracing patience and giving the relationship time to grow fosters a stronger foundation built on genuine compatibility and shared experiences. By resisting the urge to rush, we create space for a more authentic and fulfilling connection to blossom.

Embracing reality instead of potential

Another detrimental dating habit is fixating on an individual’s potential rather than accepting them for who they are in the present. It is common to fantasize about the sort of person they could become or the relationship skills they might develop. However, it is essential to redirect our attention toward evaluating potential partners based on their current qualities and compatibility.

By relinquishing unrealistic expectations and embracing reality, we pave the way for more genuine connections. This shift in mindset lets you appreciate and accept individuals for who they are, fostering healthier relationships grounded in authenticity and mutual understanding.

Hastily accepting dates

Another dating habit to be cautious of is hastily agreeing to go on dates with individuals from dating apps. Although occasional mismatches are unavoidable, it is crucial to exercise discernment before committing. Rather than impulsively accepting each invitation, take the time to assess common interests, values, and engaging topics of conversation.

By exercising caution and evaluating compatibility beforehand, you can surely avoid wasting time on dates with individuals who might not align with your life values and personality. Prioritizing quality over quantity ensures that your dating experiences are more meaningful and increase the likelihood of finding a compatible partner.