Do You Know the Personality Traits of a Cheater?

Recognizing Common Personality Traits of Cheaters in Relationships as Explained by Shivani Misri Sadhoo

Cheating in relationships is a deeply hurtful and damaging behaviour that can lead to a breakdown of trust and emotional turmoil. While not everyone who cheats exhibits the same personality traits, there are some common characteristics often associated with individuals who engage in infidelity. It’s important to note that these traits do not justify or excuse cheating, but understanding them may help us recognize the signs and potentially prevent such behaviour in the future.

Understanding the typical personality traits of individuals who engage in cheating is crucial for identifying and addressing potential issues in relationships. This article from Delhi’s top marriage counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo explores some essential characteristics often observed in cheaters, shedding light on the reasons behind their actions and the impact on relationships.

Traits of Cheaters in Relationships as Explained by Shivani Misri Sadhoo

What are the personality traits of a cheater?

Some of the personality traits that relationship expert Shivani Sadhoo explains are briefly described below. The traits are:

Narcissism: Narcissism refers to excessive self-centeredness, and it is a common trait among cheaters. They often believe they are the centre of the universe, craving attention and special treatment. This self-centeredness can lead to a lack of consideration for their partner’s feelings, resulting in selfish behaviours that harm the relationship.

Jealousy: Surprisingly, some cheaters experience jealousy even as they engage in infidelity. They may irrationally suspect their partner of cheating, projecting their own guilt onto them. This misplaced jealousy can lead to arguments and further complications in the relationship.

Deception: Deception involves hiding or distorting the truth to mislead others. Cheaters are skilled at deception, often weaving intricate lies to cover up their infidelity. They create elaborate stories or engage in secretive behaviours to protect their cheating activities. Deception erodes trust in a relationship, making it difficult for their partner to discern fact from fiction.

Flirting: Cheaters frequently engage in flirting, which involves behaving romantically or playfully with others, even when in a committed relationship. Flirting can serve as a precursor to full-blown infidelity, as it often fosters emotional connections with individuals outside the primary relationship. Recognizing excessive flirting can signal potential future cheating.

Lack of Empathy: Empathy, the ability to understand and share others’ feelings, is frequently absent in cheaters. They may disregard the emotional distress they cause their partner, seemingly unconcerned about the pain they inflict. This absence of empathy makes it challenging for them to comprehend the profound suffering their infidelity inflicts.

Impatience: Impatience reflects a reluctance to wait and a desire for immediate results. Cheaters can be impatient in their relationships, opting for infidelity as a quick solution to perceived problems. Rather than investing effort in resolving issues, they choose the seemingly easier path of cheating, often exacerbating the situation.

Secrecy: Secrecy entails concealing information or activities from others. Cheaters are exceptionally secretive about their extramarital affairs, maintaining a shroud of silence around their actions. They may use separate phones or hidden email accounts to communicate with their paramours, further fueling suspicions and unhappiness in their partner.

Lack of Communication: Communication is the foundation of healthy relationships, allowing partners to express thoughts and emotions. Cheaters typically struggle with communication, opting to keep problems and concerns bottled up. Instead of addressing relationship issues openly, they resort to cheating as an escape from their difficulties, resulting in weakened and less wholesome relationships.

Recognizing the common personality traits of cheaters can serve as a valuable tool for identifying potential red flags in relationships. It is important to remember that not all individuals displaying these traits will cheat, and not all cheaters will exhibit them in the same way.

Understanding these traits can promote open communication, trust, and empathy in relationships, ultimately helping to prevent infidelity and maintain healthier, more fulfilling connections based on love and respect.