Signs to Check that Suggests You Are with the Wrong Person?

As Suggested by Couples Therapist Shivani Sadhoo

At times situations and instances force one to think about their decision of being with someone. Are they the right ones for you? Will they love, respect and care for you throughout your entire life? Will they stay loyal to you? While your mind is brimming with numerous similar questions, it is just fair to think about whether you are with the wrong person. If your instinct is sending you a signal that they are not meant for you, then perhaps you need to listen to your heart.

You feel emotionally drained

Your relationship must help you feel better about yourself and your surroundings. Not the other way around. If your relationship is making you feel drained and tired emotionally, then you need to re-analyze your decision. You must feel energized in a good relationship.

Relationship Counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo Blog

Your partner is emotionally distant

If your other one is emotionally distant and is seeking to have distance from you, then this is a visible sign that you need to step back. One requires to be emotionally present in a relationship so that one can tend to their partner’s needs and demands and when that isn’t present anymore, what’s the point?

You pretend to be some other person

Being in a good relationship must make you embrace your authentic, true self. It should not make you pretend to be someone else merely to impress your partner. This is an indication that you should not be with this person as they are not helping you accept who you are.

You feel pity about yourself

Love needs to uplift you and make you feel over the moon. But if your feelings are opposite to what they should be, then your partner is not the one you need to be with. You continuously feel unsure about who you are, in their presence. You appear lost, most of the time.

Your partner never listens to you

Listening actively is a big part of a relationship. Your partner should be able to listen and share input over a subject that you are discussing with them. But if they hardly or do not listen to you and are always lost when it comes to your things, then perhaps they aren’t the one for you.

You are taken for granted

When your partner takes you for a ride or grants and makes you feel totally broken in a relationship, then know that you are with the wrong individual. It hurts your self-respect and makes you question your place in the relationship. And when it happens, you must know when to walk away.