Unlocking Your Child’s Potential: Embrace Play for Growth

Adolescent Psychologist Shivani Sadhoo Says, Say Yes to Play: the Key to Help Your Child Thrive

Recent research reveals how different types of play shape lifelong skills in young children. Specifically, the “rough-and-tumble” play often associated with fathers has been linked to improved academic performance, enhanced focus and impulse control, heightened emotional intelligence, and stronger peer relationships.

Play is not just child’s play—it is a vital component of their cognitive and social growth. Additionally, the presence of playful adults in a child’s life plays a significant role in supporting their emotional regulation. Let’s actively engage in playful interactions, regardless of our roles, and unlock children’s full potential.

What are the Distinct Play Styles and how do we Nurturing Connection and Development?

Research identifies how adults engage in play with children. The gentle approach focuses on visuals, learning, and communication through activities like crafts, storytime, and puzzles. The energetic approach embraces physicality and adapts to the child’s interests, such as hula-hooping or playful games.

These play styles transcend gender, allowing anyone to actively participate. What matters most is the presence of nurturing individuals who create meaningful connections through diverse play experiences. By embracing both approaches, you foster holistic development and create lasting memories with the children in your lives. So, let’s play and thrive together!

What is the Real-Life Impact on Children?

Contrary to popular belief, the more energetic form of play has been found to have significant educational benefits for children. Research suggests that engaging in intense and exhilarating play, followed by moments of boredom, and then switching gears again, helps children develop effective emotional regulation. They also learn valuable skills such as patience and impulse control. These outcomes have a profound positive impact on children’s overall development, debunking the notion that this type of play is less educational.

How to Add Energy to Your Day?  Simple Ways to Incorporate Play

Whether you’re a parent or an adult in a child’s life, infusing energetic play into their daily routine doesn’t have to be a grand production or require a trip to the park. In fact, just a few minutes of intentional engagement can make a world of difference. Consider trying these easy and playful activities:

  • Jump across the cracks in the sidewalk: Encourage the child to join you in this simple game that adds a touch of excitement to your walk. It’s a playful way to make everyday tasks more enjoyable.
  • Embrace imaginative flight: If you’re physically able, lift the child off their feet and let them pretend they’re soaring through the air. This delightful make-believe experience fosters their imagination and sense of wonder.
  • Take a spontaneous 2-minute dance break: When transitioning between tasks, why not groove to a favourite tune together? Let loose, bust a move, and have a mini dance party. It’s a fun way to recharge and uplift the atmosphere.
  • Mirror their movements on the floor: Get down on the floor with the child and mimic their every action. This not only sparks laughter and joy but also encourages them to explore new ways of moving and expressing themselves.

Remember, injecting energetic play into everyday moments is about embracing the spirit of fun and creating lasting memories. These simple activities can bring laughter, connection, and a sense of adventure into the lives of the children you care for.

So, let’s seize the opportunity to bring more playfulness into our days and celebrate the joy that comes from engaging in energetic play with the little ones in our lives.

This article has been written by India’s eminent marriage and family therapist Shivani Misri Sadhoo.